We start todays post with...
Day 4 -
Grand Finale day!!!
Alarm set for 8AM because makeup, hair, arghhhhh!!
First of all I stressed about what to have for breakfast. Waffle with nutella, strawberris and banana? Yep!
Drank several coffees while starting makeup. I did NOT want to be under-caffeinated today!!
Pop my drier on to make sure those curls are super set and have no chance of falling out.
Then the pacing began.
Stockings on.
Shapewear on.
Entirely black outfit ready for opening number on.
Time to leave!!
We were not far from the RSL but my GOSH the traffic!!!
It only took almost an hour and a half to get there! Where I live, that distance would take 6 - 7 minutes!
We needed to be there at 3pm to get all our props and outfits upstairs and backstage, run through some important notes, practice, finish hair and makeup and then start at 6pm!!
We get the order to 'shush!' as the audience make their way into the room.
Before we know it we were lining up on stage behind the curtain for our opening number.
The song starts and there's no backing out now!
We ace our dance routine and get a rather impressive round of applause as we walk backstage to prepare for daywear.
So my theme this year was "weird vintage beauty pageant winners".
Daywear was The Honey Bee Queen.
There are amazing photos from the Grand Finale available now but I haven't got any yet as I want to wait until they are all released but if you would like to view them go to
Phill's Kustom Photography and have a sneaky peek! I promise I will share some with you when I decide which ones to pick!!
Now I was the very last pinup to go on stage. As us Neos lined up in the corrider waiting to go on stage, a panic attack started taking hold. What could I do? I was the last one to go out so I couldn't exactly ask someone to go before me while I tried to calm down!
Enter: Miss Rouge Noir. Gosh I love this woman! She managed to calm me enough to get my butt up on stage. She is worth her weight in gold, I tell ya!
So on I go, absolutely terrified. BUT I got through every pose!
I popped another balloon which was a HUGE deal for me.
At area finals I didn't get my joke in...
Man, I was making sure I got it in this time!!
Pop Quiz! What kind of bees make milk?
The Neos go back on stage for our little routine and back off we go, to get ready for...
The Jungle Queen.
I based every one of my swimwear poses on a Bettie Page pose and most from the leopard shoot she did with Bunny Yeager.
Obviously my outfit was leopard print. I personally LOVE this outfit!
Also, green lipstick!
All pointers given to me by Miss Pixie during our one on one phone conversation were taken into account and I feel like I made this routine 100% better than it was at areas.
We finally had a chance to breathe with the first imtermission.
I didn't make it out into the audience for this one though because I needed to take my time getting ready for lingerie.
I had to clean off the green lipstick for a start.... Not sure I recommend changing to such a dark coloured lipstick in the middle of a show! Maybe if it was for your last outfit!
I took it slow and made sure I had all accessories on and fixed my hair.
With intermission over, it was time to prepare to take the stage again. By now I was feeling much more relaxed about going on.
Lingerie - Miss Beautyrest Mattresses
This outfit was based on the gorgeous woman pictured on the left, Hedy Lamarr in Ziegfeld Girl.
I absolutely adore that I was not the only one who chose this Ahhhhmazing costume to base lingerie on...
The beautiful Miss Jade Foxx (who just happenend to take out the Miss Illustrated title!) did too and she. looked. stunning!
This was my only outfit I altered from area finals. I changed the green sash to gold, added sequins to the black lace at the top of my nightie and made a necklace similar to my crown.
Again, all suggestions from Miss Pixie! The woman knows what shes talking about!
I got all my poses in again and I think I also pulled off this routine much better than the first time round.
Now we get to put on our evening wear!!!
Evening Wear - Miss Lovely Eyes
I was so excited to finally be wearing my dress I had created so much hype over.
I don't think I have been more proud of any garment I have 'made' then this dress. And I didn't even make the actual dress! It is a Lindy Bop that I took the sleeves off of. I added the tulle on the bottom.
Several days of hand sewing later...
And of course the eyes!
Now they were iron on so it wasn't difficult, but I had to make sure they were spaced correctly and then I had to leave room for a special eye.
To be honest, when I was putting on this special eye I thought I might get a bit of a giggle out of it.. turns out it was going to be the highlight of my entire time on stage that night!
Now, what is this special eye I'm talking about? Well, it was a winky booby eye!
A bit of fishing line, cardboard and velcro makes for a very funny addition to your routine hahaha!
As I was walking off stage Miss Pixie said "Well that's something I've never seen on stage before! A winking booby!" I felt awesome with the cheers and applause it received.
I have had several requests for a short video of it so I will make it happen soon.
Next we got ready for
Talent - How NOT to follow the Singer Sewing Manual
This is the only photo of have yet of my talent outfit. I'm pictured here with the HILARIOUSLY gorgeous Miss Mixi Venus (Queen of Neos, Miss Neo 2016). Her talent had us all in fits of laughter!
Essentially I stood behind a sewing machine dressed like a very UN 50's housewife trying to sew an apron while the sewing manual instructions were being read out. I did not follow them. I made a boo boo and 'sewed' the apron to my gown!! Serves me right for not following instructions!
Walking off stage we high fived, hugged, took photos and got changed back into our evening wear.
It was done! We did it!
Now we got to hang out with family and friends while the adjudicators added scores and made the unenviable decision of who got titles.
At that point of the night, titles don't matter. We've all done something terrifying and anxiety inducing and survived! The girls all did a magnificent job, we know because the audience and mentors tell us so. They should know, they have sat and watched us all night for hours on end.
We eventually get the call to take the stage one last time for the crowning ceremony.
So many wonderful women were acknowledged for their help behind the scenes and then came time for the announcements!
Well, thank you so much for taking the time to read through this post, sorry it was so long.....
What's that?
....you want to know the results?
Oh..... ok then, I guess that makes sense!
In that case!
Miss Neo - Miss Mixi Venus
Miss Illustrated - Miss Jade Foxx
Miss Prestige - Miss Nancy Blossem Belle
Miss Perfect - Miss Cherrybomb 56
Miss Appilicious - Miss Rouge Kitty
Miss Amity - Miss Wurple Violet
Miss Pinup Australia 2nd Runner Up - Miss Tee Cee
Miss Pinup Australia Runner Up - Miss Gigi Anne
Had you going there for a second hey?!
As if I'd leave you hanging there like that!
So after a very long night full of nerves, excitement, laughs and tears, it was all over! Well for those of us who didn't get a title anyway. We got to go home and wonder what we will do with our lives with all this spare time now!
The title holders still have days of MPA ahead!
These lucky girls got to attend the official Miss Pinup Australia national title holder photo shoot and I am DYING to see how the photos turned out!!
Overall, this season was something I really truly needed to do for myself.
There were moments I considered dropping out, because it would be the path of least resistance.
But how can you expect to get anywhere in life without challenging yourself?
I am still working on my confidence but OMG, I am a zillion times better than I was this time 2 years ago.
A few things I heard last week really stuck with me.
One of those was a conversation with Miss Kitty Sapphire. At one point she chose to use my own advice against me haha! Dammit, the woman was right! She told me how she had watched me grow from last year to this year. I hadn't realised people had even paid attention. She's an incredibly supportive and encouraging woman that Miss Kitty!
Another was a pep talk from Miss Rouge Kitty's partner, Paul. That awesome dude has a way with words and my goodness does he ever support Miss Rouge Kitty with all he has.
Of course several things said by Miss Pixie have stuck with me...
She is the epitome of encouragement!
I don't really want to share exactly what these all were as I feel they are quite personal and probably won't mean to you, what they mean to me.
So all in all this season was difficult but as hard as it was, the positive results from that hard work was returned 10 fold.
I walk away with the Miss Southern Area Runner Up title and a sense of immense pride.
I feel like me entering next year is unlikely... but we all know that I said the same thing last year haha!!
I highly recommend giving it a go. Seriously. It is one heck of an experience!
So, for real this time, thank you for sticking around to read this post. I still have plenty more to share from this season and it will all come in time.
But, for now,
much love and red lipstick, Miss Toxic xx