Saturday 17 October 2015

Just a quick update on Miss Toxic xx

That's enough.... No more pageants for me this year!! I need a break. Phew!

As you know, I participated in the Miss Picture Perfect vintage pageant.

The STUNNING winners were:
Miss Ivy Fox as Miss Picture Perfect 2015
Miss Belles B Ringing as First Runner Up and
Miss Cherrybomb as Second Runner Up!!

Congratulations to you beautiful women! What a magnificent job you did!! Of course Miss Jade and Miss Crimson did an equally magnificent job but there were only three places and you can't win them all!

Daywear - Miss Toxic doing her groceries at Bernie's Fruit Mart

Swimwear - Miss Toxic the Voodoo Queen! This was my most favourite outfit if the night! It was scary wearing it out on stage as I am still quite self conscious but everyone seemed to really like it and I felt FIERCE!!

Evening gown - With a rock like that?! Of coursse I'll marry you!!

I think for the rest of the year I will focus on practicing my poses and writing down ideas for future pageants and making some more skirts and dresses for everyday wear.
And seriously..... film more Youtube videos! I'm not very good at that yet!

If you haven't visited my YouTube channel yet, head on over and subscribe and watch me be uncomfortable on camera haha!
I'm also looking for ideas for new videos. Would you guys be interested in reviews of products regularly used by pinups? Follow me around type videos? What kind of video do you enjoy watching and find informative and useful?
Let me know in the comment section!

I'm looking forward to Bonnie and Clyde Rods, Rats and Rides this month! Finally I have an event to go to in my own town. No travelling for this pinup this time! There's no pinup comp to enter, I'm just going to get dressed up and wander around and enjoy the cars and music!

Anyway guys, I just wanted to pop in and say hi! Hopefully soon I will have plenty of stuff to talk to you about and show you! Until then...

Much love and red lipstick, Miss Toxic xx

P.S. I just wanted to make sure I gave a shout out to the gorgeous chickas Miss Roxie Snow and Miss Melly Day for taking pics of us on stage! I stole most of them! Love you girls to the moon and back xx