Saturday, 11 July 2015

New Bettie Bangs!

Hi there!

Well... I was thinking that I would be struggling with post MPA boredom but instead I have had back to back colds which means I haven't had much of a chance to do anything at all, let alone be bored.
I am working on getting back to normal again though as I rarely get sick and when I do, it throws me all out of routine.

So I have been considering what I can do and right now, I *think* I may be entering a pageant in September. This will mean making more outfits and more travelling so it's only under consideration at the moment.

I have also enjoyed going over the photos from the state finals again and again. Would you like to see more?


Too bad if you said no, because I'm putting them here anyway!!

I could not be more proud of the dress I made for daywear

I would like to introduce you all to the amazing bunch of pinups I had the very great pleasure of performing with! From left to right - Miss Trixie Bombshell, Miss Vee Dub (Miss Pinup NSW 2nd runner up), Miss Melody Mae, Miss Dodo Divine, Miss Misty Morning, Miss Melly Day (Miss Pinup ACT),  Miss Roxie Snow (Miss Pinup NSW runner up),  Miss Rouge Pearl (Miss Pinup NSW), Miss Annie Lou, Miss Cherrybomb Fifty -Six, Miss Wurple Violet (Miss Pinup NSW 2nd runner up), Miss Toxic Starburst, Miss Jade Serpentine, Miss Cherry Soda and last, but most certainly not least!! Mr. Phoenix Divine (Mr. Pinup NSW)

This is one of the coolest groups of people I've ever hung out with. It may have been brief, but my goodness did we have fun!! Look how beautiful (and handsome!) they all are!

Before I leave for tonight I thought I would leave you with my new bettie bangs. I've been thinking about them for so long I got sick of thinking one night and just went into the bathroom and chopped it off! Not something I recommend to do, by the way! DO NOT DO THIS AT HOME! Haha!

Well I think I look pretty cute anyway, especially in my MPA tee!

Until next next time my darlings

Much love and red lipstick, Miss Toxic xx

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