Tuesday, 10 May 2016

And so the practising begins!!

Rehearsals are in full swing!!

I have been doing poses here and there, testing myself to see what I could do and what I couldn't and I have surprised myself! Turns out I was doubting my abilities for no good reason. Woohoo!

I have had my routines written down for weeks and have practised them.... in my head.
Of course in my head I look like some amazon goddess moving as gracefully as a ballerina from pose to pose. But once I started actually doing them, I realised it was much more impressive for ME to do the poses I planned.

I think I will encounter a few problems once I start dress rehersals due to some of my accessories BUT I am one determined pinup! It will work because I will make it work!

The ideas continue to come and just when I think I have the best routine I could possibly think of, I add one small thing or change a pose or even just adjust a pose and it becomes so much better!
I'm sure this will be happening right up until the night of the performance but that's all part of the process.

This year I'm also making sure I don't make the same mistake as last year. Last year I waited to the last possible moment to run through what I thought I wanted to do. Not only was I clumsy but I would forget what came next so my practice routines would run for 3 or 4 minutes, not 45 seconds!! I am certainly not going to let that happen this year, well I am going to do my very best to not let it anyway!
I think my biggest worry was that it would get boring after doing it over and over again. Except for the fact no one else has seen it before! Silly me!

Practice makes perfect.

My mantra for this year.

OK I must be off, routines won't practice themselves!

Just a short update and a quick howdy,

Much love and red lipstick, Miss Toxic xx

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