Thursday 31 December 2015

Last Post of 2015!!!

Holy cow has this year been HUGE!!
It's funny how you don't realise just how much stuff you have crammed into 12 months until you sit down at the end of the year and reminice. Then you think "That can't have been this year!".
Today I thought I'd reminice with you.
Firstly was big birthday milestones. Two thirtieths and a sixtieth.
Then my little boy started school.
Of course then I got to meet my new pinup sisters at the Miss Pinup Australia meet and greet.
I was on the front page of my local newspaper.
I participated in a little thing called Miss Pinup Australia!
I also participated in Miss Picture Perfect (AND got to hang with my cousin so, BONUS!)
My husband and I took my sister to Greazefest in Melbourne
I started an Instagram account, a YouTube channel and this very blog.
I discovered a new passion for sewing (not that I'm very good at it.... but it's fun and that's all that matters, right?)
I got my beautiful car, my Marilyn.
I wore a swimsuit on stage TWICE!
I found the op shop score of my life.
Two new tattoos
Redecorated my living room and
made so many new friends the mind boggles!

Then comes maybe the biggest thing by far. A beautiful lady I was lucky to meet, called me her inspiration. Me? Inspire someone?
If that was the only thing that had happened this year, it still would have been a successful year.

Several pinups have particularly inspired me this year and I just want to give them a quick shoutout:
Firstly, Miss Pixie of course. Without her, this year would have certainly been a lot more boring! This woman is just stunning inside and out. Selfless and loving.
My amazing pinup sister Miss Jade Serpentine, we talk almost everyday (even if it's not all about pinup...) and seeing her transform into a confident little butterfly keeps me motivated to do the same.
Miss Cherrybomb, it's hard not to love this bouncy little darling!! I'm proud of all she has accomplished!
Miss Sharne Deville, this woman is seriously amazing! We've still to meet face to face! She called me up before the state finals, to encourage me and settle my nerves. She shared her experience from the week before. She was lacking confidence but guess what? She went home from the national finals with a crown!! Yep!! 
Now, the gals I don't know personally, but inspire me nonetheless;
The obvious but always worth mentioning, Dita Von Teese.
and as always, Cherry Dollface
Of course, I feel completely terrible not mentioning ALL my Miss Pinup Australia family, but I do absolutely love them all and they all show love and support. I just really wanted to post this blog for New Year's Eve and I think if I sat down to mention them all individually and what they all do for me, you wouldn't read this until Australia Day!

So far my plans for next year involve a lot of sewing! I am in a super creative mood and hopefully I will be able to make some smiles with my creations.

As I am writing this I have no plans to enter any pinup competitions BUT - I am known to change my mind.... a LOT. I still would love to enter Miss Pinup Australia again but I am having to sort through some things first until I can make the fnal decision.
If you are interested in entering, visit Miss Pinup Australia's Facebook page for information. Entries open in a couple of days!! I highly recommend the experience, you won't regret it!

How has your year panned out? Did you travel? Did you finish school? Start school? Meet the love of your life? Did you complete your New Year's resolutions? Do you make New Year's resolutions? I usually do. Last year however I didn't and oddly, I probably achieved way more than I would have thought! I have general goals that you could probably consider resolutions but I have no time frame for them.

Finally, I hope 2015 has been a successful year for you all.If it turns out 2015 didn't meet your expectations, hold your head high and stare 2016 right in the eyes and let it know, that THIS will be your year!! ( *I want to make sure someone in particular reads this and takes note. She knows who she is* )

I know I keep saying it, but I hope 2016 is full of PEACE AND LOVE. The world could do with a lot more of both.
Make sure you go through the year treating others with respect and you will be amazed what you receive in return.

Thank you for all your support! I hope to keep bringing you more pinup/rockabilly/vintage goodness!
Photo by Duane Wheare Photography

Much love and red lipstick and a Happy New Year from Miss Toxic xx

Thursday 17 December 2015

Where the Heck Have I Been??!!

Hi all!!

So, I have been a bad, bad blogger! Bad blogger!

But I have a good excuse! I have been redecorating our living room. Which probably wouldn't normally warrant such a lengthy leave of absence but when I embark on a project like this, I get a teeny tiny bit obsessive about it. It doesn't help that I have had to purchase a lot of items online so have had to wait for them to arrive. Also, searching for the perfect mid century modern rug online was initially heartbreaking as I had found my dream rug only to then find out they wouldn't ship it to Australia.
BUT I then found Society6! Almost the exact same rug, much cheaper, 10% off AND free international shipping! Winning! Now I'm holding my breath waiting for it to arrive as it is my final large piece to make the whoe room come together.
I'm sure I will find many more small pieces to add but the major components will be complete when it is delivered.

I have been in complete DIY mode too making curtains, sewing cushion covers and refurbishing a vintage sideboard.

It looks different to this already but I won't take another photo until it's all done

Now, in hindsight I should have taken a 'before' photo but, we are a family of 4 (with 2 young children) in a 2 bedroom unit. You can probably imagine what the before picture would have looked like! Also, I refused to take any pictures of the room because it was always so cluttered and filled with toys and laundry waiting to be folded on the couch. It was also very dark (brown couch, black and white curtains etc). It now appears much bigger, it is aqua and coral and it just makes you smile when you walk in the room.
I have to say I am pretty darn proud of what I have achieved so far!

Must look good if Cherry Dollface liked it!!!!

Pinup-wise I have been keeping pretty quiet, but how can I stay quiet now that the Miss Pinup Australia 2016 official entry poster has been released!?
Entries for the next season open on January 2 and if you would like to see the poster (who am I kidding, OF COURSE YOU DO!) go check it out on the Miss Pinup Australia Facebook page. While you are doing that, make sure you also head on over to the pages of next years official state photographers.

My YouTube channel has been sadly neglected lately too but I swear I'm making a New Year's Resolution to regularly update all my social media.

I bought myself an early Christmas present, something I have wanted since the second I saw it on Kandy K's Instagram page:

Isn't she divine?!

Well, there's my explanation. I'm sorry I've been so slack. I'm still here, just, slightly obsessing over redecorating.
Follow me on:
I also have Snapchat and Periscope but I haven't really gotten into them yet. Next year I swear!!

Until next time,

Much love and red lipstick, Miss Toxic xx

*edit: Oh I must also tell you about my beautiful friend Miss Cherrybomb's new blog! Check it out HERE!! xx