Thursday 24 September 2015

Preparing for a Pinup Pageant - My Way

Well I thought that with the approach of Miss Picture Perfect I would write a post about how I prepare for a pageant.

Take a deep breath... this is going to be a long post!

There are a lot more steps than you may think!

Initially, after entering, I think about outfits. Many pageants include several outfit changes. These may include daywear, swimwear, lingerie and formal/evening wear. While thinking about these outfits, I may also need to consider a theme.
Here is where I tend to create themes around my outfits and not the other way around but this is due to limited finances and having to use what I already have. Of course if I have to I will buy certain pieces to add to an outfit if I don't already have it and can't make it, for example; shoes.
I have taken the opportunity in the last year to teach myself how to sew outfit pieces and create other accessories and have found the process a lot of fun. I have surprised myself at what I have been able to achieve and I bet if I could do it, you can too!

Now if I enter a pageant that requires a performance or routine of several poses on stage, I will take into consideration my theme and imagine a 'scene'. This is where the poses will take shape. Usually you will be given a certain number of poses to perform or a set amount of time to pose in. I then need to consider how many to do and how long to hold them for.

I will write down my scene and poses and then from there, work out if/what props I will need to take on stage with me. Of course, not all pageants require props and not all routines you come up with will require them either.
Keeping props small and portable will not only make your life easier but also keep the stage manager happier too! Also as there is limited time on stage you don't want to spend half of your posing time setting up big props.

Next there may be the option of using your own music which will usually mean cutting your own and sending them in or taking it with you. Don't forget!!

In amongst your routine practice, outfit gathering and prop making you will probably need to send in an outfit description. Highlight real vintage items and if they have any significance to you, for example; your Nanna's pearls.
I find it hard to source real vintage clothing due to my location, my size and my finances so any vintage I have is usually accessories. Therefore I try to make as much of my outfit as I can so that it is original or at least more unique then just the repro I base it around.

As it gets closer to show time and I have gathered most or all of my outfit and props and have practiced my posing and routines I start to think about packing everything (mostly due to the fact I have to travel a significant distance as I live in a place where pinup and rockabilly is nearly non existant!)

I try to make sure I have everything written down so that nothing is forgotten and then I try to ensure all accessories, shoes etc are packed together with the dress they go with so that at backstage, I'm not searching frantically for the earrings I need or the hair flower that matches this dress. There usually isn't a lot of time to change into the next outfit once you get off stage from the last one.
I also like to keep seperate pageant and normal clothes suitcases when travelling so that I don't have to frantically sift through unnecessary clothing.

Next I need to work out how I will be doing my hair and makeup so that I know what tools I will need to take with me. Eyeliner, red lippie, rollers, hairspray, bobby pins and so on. A list is also made for these things as I am, at heart, a hardcore list writer.
Also, don't forget, your lingerie. If it is not one of your clothing categories don't forget to figure out which stockings, corsolettes, garter belts etc you will need to pack.

In another bag or makeup case I pack a razor, tweezers, deodorant, moisturiser, eyeliner, makeup wipes, tissues, bandaids, sticky tape, scissors, nail file, spare stockings, nail polish (to fix up any boo boos), extra bobby pins, panadols, water bottle, needle and thread, hairspray, comb and SAFETY PINS!! You may think you won't need safety pins.... You're probably wrong!
 You may not use a lot of this stuff but believe me, if you need it and DON'T have it, you'll be kicking yourself!

Before I leave I make sure I have a trim and freshly dyed hair. I will double and triple check my list to make sure I have packed everything I need and then for good measure I will throw in a couple extra accessories like earrings and necklaces in case I have a last minute change of heart. I have been known to do that... occasionally haha!

So you will need to have your outfit, accessories, makeup, hair tools and props packed. Your music and outfit information along with any other requirements you have emailed off. Make sure hair, nails, eyebrows and anything else you need done is sorted.

The night before, I set my hair, paint my nails, practice my routines once more and iron my dresses. With everything organised, I can make sure I get a good nights sleep.

On the day, start getting ready with plenty of time, don't forget to eat and drink and last but certainly not least, HAVE FUN!!

It's important not to forget to enjoy the pageant! Meet new people and make friends. That's honestly the best part of entering a pinup pageant.
It doesn't matter who gets the tiara at the end of the night because you have all had fun being nervous together and helping each other do up zippers, finding that earring that rolled away and pointing out lifting eyelashes, smudged eyeliner or... the very worst... lipstick on teeth!!

Pageants are about stepping out of your comfort zone and gaining confidence in yourself. The girls (and sometimes guys) you share the stage with are there for the same reason you are. 99% of the other entrants will be very happy for whoever wins as the outcome is not as important as the journey you have all taken together.

As you can see, there is a lot of prep work but it is all fun!! Totally worth it. Highly recommended!

Don't be scared by the amount of effort, you usually have quite a decent amount of time to do all of this. It doesn't all need to happen in a week!

Well I hope I've covered everything. This is what I happen to do, everyone is different and will have different processes but this is what works for me.

If you have managed to make it to the end of this post, I thank you for hanging around!!

If anyone has anything to add or any questions to ask, please feel free to comment! I want to know if you are considering entering a pageant!

Much love and red lipstick, Miss Toxic xx

Sunday 20 September 2015

Blog Day!!

Blog day!!

I really should get organised and assign one day a week to being a blog day and one day a week to being a video day. Should. One day.
I think I will take a minute to sit down and figure out what video I am doing next and organise it properly. I may also film an extra video or two so that I can upload more consistantly when I am too busy too film. For now, here's a short favourites video for you to enjoy!

Next week will involve sewing, gluing, painting and packing! Miss Picture Perfect is ONE week away and I have so much to do! Accessories to make and props to paint. I've already made alterations, repairs and a skirt from scratch!

I will have to rememeber at some stage this coming week to pick up some more foundation, eyeliner and lipliner - pinup girl necessities. Unfortunately, being necessities means re-purchasing often.

I went for a bit of a look through our city's newest op shop and also an antique store that I always think "oh I must go in there one day" and never do. I spent a decent chunk of my birthday money so I decided another haul was called for. It will be uploaded during the week..

One of the items I purchased was a Family Circle magazine from 1956. I just read through it quickly before and I am hooked! I think I will be requiring more 50's magazines now! Some articles leave you with your jaw on the floor and thinking "How did they ever....?" the advertisements are hilarious and then there's the clothing.... GOR.GEOUS.

Anyway, I must be off, I have the glue gun heating up ready for action!!

A short catch up today, just so you don't think I've abandoned you all!

Much love and red lipstick, Miss Toxic xx

Monday 7 September 2015

Random blog-y goodness and new video!!

My goodness September is going to be a busy month!

Firstly birthday's. So. Many. Birthday's. Planning, making, travelling, Miss Picture Perfect and organising big surprises.

I realised today that it's been a whole year since I started considering the pinup lifestyle. Look how far I've come in that year! I have to admit, I have been happier and more confident within myself in this past year than I have ever been before.
Also I don't think I've ever bought more clothes, shoes and accessories in a 12 month period than ever before haha!

Edit: I was going to share a picture of me from a year ago and you know what? There isn't one! My oh my how times have changed haha!!

Also, NEW VIDEO!!! Watch it here:

Please subscribe and like and share!! I'd really appreciate it!

If you follow me on Facebook you may have seen my post about the Body Positive movement and 'fat shamers'.
It saddens me that in this day and age there are so many people still willing to be such jackasses to people they don't know, just because it's easy to do so.
It takes just as much effort to type nice words as it does to type hate. If you don't want to say something nice, move along.
I'm just saying, if you take the time to type crap, people will take notice of the fact that you took the time to stop by and look at the picture or watch the video. Maybe you'd rather people not know you make a habit of checking out the pages and profiles of 'fat' people? If so, writing abuse on there is not going to help you hide that fact is it?

BE NICE PEOPLE!!!! Seriously! Or... like I said... just move along! You don't have to say anything at all. You do realise you have just as much right to say nothing as you do to spurt hate yeah? Exercise that right! Do it! Go on! I dare you!

Lastly, So that I can end on a happy, happy, joy, joy note, I hope all the Daddy's, Poppy's and Grandpa's out there had a magnificent Father's Day yesterday!! My kidlets made their Daddy an adorable tee with their handprints on it. He wore it all day with a smile on his face!