Monday 15 August 2016

An Interview with Miss Pinup Australia 2016, Miss Jade Serpentine!!

One of the perks of being a part of Miss Pinup Australia is the friends you make. I am very lucky (and proud!) to call the new Miss Pinup Australia my dear friend!
Getting to know Miss Jade Serpentine was easy because she is so darn friendly and easy to get along with. We originally bonded last year over our favourite guilty little pleasure, The Bold and the Beautiful! 
Yes, seriously!

I asked if she would mind answering some questions for the blog and she, of course, graciously accepted.
So without further ado, here is my interview with the wonderful Miss Jade Serpentine!!.......

T - "Hi Miss Jade! At this very moment in time, it has been one week since you took out the title of Miss Pinup Australia 2016! What have you been up to in the last week?"
J - "Hi Miss Toxic. In the last week I've been going back to what I call my reality life. Still being a pinup during my waking hours but instead of practicing my routines etc for MPA I have gone back to being the domestic goddess. I have also been using this week to reflect on what I have done for the last 8 months and keeping in contact with my pinup girlfriends online such as yourself!"

T - "You were are a part of MPA last year also. What motivated you to enter again this year?"
J - "A part of me just wanted to prove myself that I could do this again. When the announcement was made I jumped on board straight away. The experience I had in my first year was fantastic. I made lots of new friends and got to discover things about myself that I didn't know existed. The experience was so positive that I didn't hesitate coming back into again. And I know that when the next season runs and if the ingenious category is open, that I will be definitely be entering that. I love sourcing clothes and putting routines together. It gives me so much happy!"

T - "What have you gained from being an entrant of MPA? Was your experience this year different from last year?"
J - "As an entrant of MPA I gained a lot of self confidence. For a long time I didn't feel like that I was good at anything. I was under the radar a lot and just watched people do things rather than do them myself. This year I have put myself more out there. I'm more socialable and I like having my fun side back. I also gained a lot of friends which I didn't think was possible. I have managed to keep in contact with a lot of them on a daily basis and it would be so strange if I didn't talk to them at least once a day!

My experience between the two years has been so different. My first year I felt like I was hanging back. As you know I first entered into the Neo category thinking it was just using modern day versions of pinup clothing. But the theme and the clothes I had didn't feel right, but I kept pushing the issue until State Finals last year. After I performed I knew at that point that I was in the wrong category and when I had the opportunity to become a wildcard I changed everything from head to toe with category and theme. It wasn't perfect, but I knew that I had taken the step in the right direction and that becoming Prestige gal was the right thing for me from then on. Overall, for my first attempt in a pinup event I was pretty pleased with myself. This year was about pushing my boundaries more and to see how far I could go - I wasn't sure where it would lead me but I could feel myself changing more than I ever imagined. Even the difference between our Area Finals to Grand Finals I could feel a difference in my attitude and how I carried myself."

T - "What inspired you to use James Bond as your theme?"
J - "Having James Bond was just by pure chance. I had a totally different theme in mind. After the 2015 season finished I was already writing down various themes in the hope that we would have another season. My original theme was all going to be asian based but I couldn't make my ideas gel to make it effective and easy for the wider audience to understand. It wasn't until one of the local venues in Canberra was doing a Bond theme for NYE's and that was when a light bulb moment had hit. I started researching about the books and discovered that they were written during the 50's and that the movies were in the 60's. Once I got the AOK I just ran with the theme and I loved every single moment of it from the planning stages, to sourcing my clothes, to preparing the routines and altering them to fit the bond girl persona to all the memes I started making. I didn't think I could keep up the momentum but when you have had as much fun as I did with it - it becomes pure joy and to hear that people who also loving what I was doing made it all the more worthwhile."

T - "What made you choose Jade Serpentine as your pinup persona?"
J - "As for my name. I use the name Jade because of the jade bracelet given to me by my maternal grandmother. I wear it all the time. The Serpentine is just my play on words for dragons. I have a fascination of dragons. As it turns out there is also a crystal with the same name, which is a great mediation stone and that helps you find inner peace and clears out blockages in the chakras!"

T - "Is there a main style you aim for?"
J - "I have no particular style as such. Last year I was all about the tea dress look because I only ever bought reproduction clothing. But being in MPA again for another season I've been sourcing more vintage clothing so because of my bond girl theme I chose to go along with the traditional qi pao and wiggle type dresses. At the moment I would like to wear wiggle dresses as I think they suit my body shape better but we will just have to wait and see."

T - "Do you consider yourself a full time pin up?"
J - "I don't consider myself a full time pin up because I still have a job which requires me to wear a uniform. Most days I have the hair and make up done pinup but not always my clothes because I have to do things with the kids at school or I go to work. But if I could, and I had enough room in my wardrobe I would!"

T - "Do you have a favourite accessory or item of clothing?"
J- "My favourite accessory at the moment is the serpent earrings that I wore during my sleepwear routine. They are the biggest earrings I own and they sparkle!"

T - "and lastly, does Miss Jade have any surprises in store for us in the near future?"
J - "I'm not sure what I have in store at the moment. My main goal at the moment is give back where I can to Miss Pinup Australia and to share my experiences with everyone on Facebook. I am hoping to travel around the country and be overseas in the next 12 months but it all depends."


Great big thanks to my beautiful friend and pinup sister, Miss Jade for taking time out of her busy day to let me ask a few questions.

Stay up to date with what our 2016 Miss Pinup Australia is up to by following her Facebook page!


Much love and red lipstick, Miss Toxic xx

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