Thursday 31 December 2015

Last Post of 2015!!!

Holy cow has this year been HUGE!!
It's funny how you don't realise just how much stuff you have crammed into 12 months until you sit down at the end of the year and reminice. Then you think "That can't have been this year!".
Today I thought I'd reminice with you.
Firstly was big birthday milestones. Two thirtieths and a sixtieth.
Then my little boy started school.
Of course then I got to meet my new pinup sisters at the Miss Pinup Australia meet and greet.
I was on the front page of my local newspaper.
I participated in a little thing called Miss Pinup Australia!
I also participated in Miss Picture Perfect (AND got to hang with my cousin so, BONUS!)
My husband and I took my sister to Greazefest in Melbourne
I started an Instagram account, a YouTube channel and this very blog.
I discovered a new passion for sewing (not that I'm very good at it.... but it's fun and that's all that matters, right?)
I got my beautiful car, my Marilyn.
I wore a swimsuit on stage TWICE!
I found the op shop score of my life.
Two new tattoos
Redecorated my living room and
made so many new friends the mind boggles!

Then comes maybe the biggest thing by far. A beautiful lady I was lucky to meet, called me her inspiration. Me? Inspire someone?
If that was the only thing that had happened this year, it still would have been a successful year.

Several pinups have particularly inspired me this year and I just want to give them a quick shoutout:
Firstly, Miss Pixie of course. Without her, this year would have certainly been a lot more boring! This woman is just stunning inside and out. Selfless and loving.
My amazing pinup sister Miss Jade Serpentine, we talk almost everyday (even if it's not all about pinup...) and seeing her transform into a confident little butterfly keeps me motivated to do the same.
Miss Cherrybomb, it's hard not to love this bouncy little darling!! I'm proud of all she has accomplished!
Miss Sharne Deville, this woman is seriously amazing! We've still to meet face to face! She called me up before the state finals, to encourage me and settle my nerves. She shared her experience from the week before. She was lacking confidence but guess what? She went home from the national finals with a crown!! Yep!! 
Now, the gals I don't know personally, but inspire me nonetheless;
The obvious but always worth mentioning, Dita Von Teese.
and as always, Cherry Dollface
Of course, I feel completely terrible not mentioning ALL my Miss Pinup Australia family, but I do absolutely love them all and they all show love and support. I just really wanted to post this blog for New Year's Eve and I think if I sat down to mention them all individually and what they all do for me, you wouldn't read this until Australia Day!

So far my plans for next year involve a lot of sewing! I am in a super creative mood and hopefully I will be able to make some smiles with my creations.

As I am writing this I have no plans to enter any pinup competitions BUT - I am known to change my mind.... a LOT. I still would love to enter Miss Pinup Australia again but I am having to sort through some things first until I can make the fnal decision.
If you are interested in entering, visit Miss Pinup Australia's Facebook page for information. Entries open in a couple of days!! I highly recommend the experience, you won't regret it!

How has your year panned out? Did you travel? Did you finish school? Start school? Meet the love of your life? Did you complete your New Year's resolutions? Do you make New Year's resolutions? I usually do. Last year however I didn't and oddly, I probably achieved way more than I would have thought! I have general goals that you could probably consider resolutions but I have no time frame for them.

Finally, I hope 2015 has been a successful year for you all.If it turns out 2015 didn't meet your expectations, hold your head high and stare 2016 right in the eyes and let it know, that THIS will be your year!! ( *I want to make sure someone in particular reads this and takes note. She knows who she is* )

I know I keep saying it, but I hope 2016 is full of PEACE AND LOVE. The world could do with a lot more of both.
Make sure you go through the year treating others with respect and you will be amazed what you receive in return.

Thank you for all your support! I hope to keep bringing you more pinup/rockabilly/vintage goodness!
Photo by Duane Wheare Photography

Much love and red lipstick and a Happy New Year from Miss Toxic xx

Thursday 17 December 2015

Where the Heck Have I Been??!!

Hi all!!

So, I have been a bad, bad blogger! Bad blogger!

But I have a good excuse! I have been redecorating our living room. Which probably wouldn't normally warrant such a lengthy leave of absence but when I embark on a project like this, I get a teeny tiny bit obsessive about it. It doesn't help that I have had to purchase a lot of items online so have had to wait for them to arrive. Also, searching for the perfect mid century modern rug online was initially heartbreaking as I had found my dream rug only to then find out they wouldn't ship it to Australia.
BUT I then found Society6! Almost the exact same rug, much cheaper, 10% off AND free international shipping! Winning! Now I'm holding my breath waiting for it to arrive as it is my final large piece to make the whoe room come together.
I'm sure I will find many more small pieces to add but the major components will be complete when it is delivered.

I have been in complete DIY mode too making curtains, sewing cushion covers and refurbishing a vintage sideboard.

It looks different to this already but I won't take another photo until it's all done

Now, in hindsight I should have taken a 'before' photo but, we are a family of 4 (with 2 young children) in a 2 bedroom unit. You can probably imagine what the before picture would have looked like! Also, I refused to take any pictures of the room because it was always so cluttered and filled with toys and laundry waiting to be folded on the couch. It was also very dark (brown couch, black and white curtains etc). It now appears much bigger, it is aqua and coral and it just makes you smile when you walk in the room.
I have to say I am pretty darn proud of what I have achieved so far!

Must look good if Cherry Dollface liked it!!!!

Pinup-wise I have been keeping pretty quiet, but how can I stay quiet now that the Miss Pinup Australia 2016 official entry poster has been released!?
Entries for the next season open on January 2 and if you would like to see the poster (who am I kidding, OF COURSE YOU DO!) go check it out on the Miss Pinup Australia Facebook page. While you are doing that, make sure you also head on over to the pages of next years official state photographers.

My YouTube channel has been sadly neglected lately too but I swear I'm making a New Year's Resolution to regularly update all my social media.

I bought myself an early Christmas present, something I have wanted since the second I saw it on Kandy K's Instagram page:

Isn't she divine?!

Well, there's my explanation. I'm sorry I've been so slack. I'm still here, just, slightly obsessing over redecorating.
Follow me on:
I also have Snapchat and Periscope but I haven't really gotten into them yet. Next year I swear!!

Until next time,

Much love and red lipstick, Miss Toxic xx

*edit: Oh I must also tell you about my beautiful friend Miss Cherrybomb's new blog! Check it out HERE!! xx

Saturday 17 October 2015

Just a quick update on Miss Toxic xx

That's enough.... No more pageants for me this year!! I need a break. Phew!

As you know, I participated in the Miss Picture Perfect vintage pageant.

The STUNNING winners were:
Miss Ivy Fox as Miss Picture Perfect 2015
Miss Belles B Ringing as First Runner Up and
Miss Cherrybomb as Second Runner Up!!

Congratulations to you beautiful women! What a magnificent job you did!! Of course Miss Jade and Miss Crimson did an equally magnificent job but there were only three places and you can't win them all!

Daywear - Miss Toxic doing her groceries at Bernie's Fruit Mart

Swimwear - Miss Toxic the Voodoo Queen! This was my most favourite outfit if the night! It was scary wearing it out on stage as I am still quite self conscious but everyone seemed to really like it and I felt FIERCE!!

Evening gown - With a rock like that?! Of coursse I'll marry you!!

I think for the rest of the year I will focus on practicing my poses and writing down ideas for future pageants and making some more skirts and dresses for everyday wear.
And seriously..... film more Youtube videos! I'm not very good at that yet!

If you haven't visited my YouTube channel yet, head on over and subscribe and watch me be uncomfortable on camera haha!
I'm also looking for ideas for new videos. Would you guys be interested in reviews of products regularly used by pinups? Follow me around type videos? What kind of video do you enjoy watching and find informative and useful?
Let me know in the comment section!

I'm looking forward to Bonnie and Clyde Rods, Rats and Rides this month! Finally I have an event to go to in my own town. No travelling for this pinup this time! There's no pinup comp to enter, I'm just going to get dressed up and wander around and enjoy the cars and music!

Anyway guys, I just wanted to pop in and say hi! Hopefully soon I will have plenty of stuff to talk to you about and show you! Until then...

Much love and red lipstick, Miss Toxic xx

P.S. I just wanted to make sure I gave a shout out to the gorgeous chickas Miss Roxie Snow and Miss Melly Day for taking pics of us on stage! I stole most of them! Love you girls to the moon and back xx

Thursday 24 September 2015

Preparing for a Pinup Pageant - My Way

Well I thought that with the approach of Miss Picture Perfect I would write a post about how I prepare for a pageant.

Take a deep breath... this is going to be a long post!

There are a lot more steps than you may think!

Initially, after entering, I think about outfits. Many pageants include several outfit changes. These may include daywear, swimwear, lingerie and formal/evening wear. While thinking about these outfits, I may also need to consider a theme.
Here is where I tend to create themes around my outfits and not the other way around but this is due to limited finances and having to use what I already have. Of course if I have to I will buy certain pieces to add to an outfit if I don't already have it and can't make it, for example; shoes.
I have taken the opportunity in the last year to teach myself how to sew outfit pieces and create other accessories and have found the process a lot of fun. I have surprised myself at what I have been able to achieve and I bet if I could do it, you can too!

Now if I enter a pageant that requires a performance or routine of several poses on stage, I will take into consideration my theme and imagine a 'scene'. This is where the poses will take shape. Usually you will be given a certain number of poses to perform or a set amount of time to pose in. I then need to consider how many to do and how long to hold them for.

I will write down my scene and poses and then from there, work out if/what props I will need to take on stage with me. Of course, not all pageants require props and not all routines you come up with will require them either.
Keeping props small and portable will not only make your life easier but also keep the stage manager happier too! Also as there is limited time on stage you don't want to spend half of your posing time setting up big props.

Next there may be the option of using your own music which will usually mean cutting your own and sending them in or taking it with you. Don't forget!!

In amongst your routine practice, outfit gathering and prop making you will probably need to send in an outfit description. Highlight real vintage items and if they have any significance to you, for example; your Nanna's pearls.
I find it hard to source real vintage clothing due to my location, my size and my finances so any vintage I have is usually accessories. Therefore I try to make as much of my outfit as I can so that it is original or at least more unique then just the repro I base it around.

As it gets closer to show time and I have gathered most or all of my outfit and props and have practiced my posing and routines I start to think about packing everything (mostly due to the fact I have to travel a significant distance as I live in a place where pinup and rockabilly is nearly non existant!)

I try to make sure I have everything written down so that nothing is forgotten and then I try to ensure all accessories, shoes etc are packed together with the dress they go with so that at backstage, I'm not searching frantically for the earrings I need or the hair flower that matches this dress. There usually isn't a lot of time to change into the next outfit once you get off stage from the last one.
I also like to keep seperate pageant and normal clothes suitcases when travelling so that I don't have to frantically sift through unnecessary clothing.

Next I need to work out how I will be doing my hair and makeup so that I know what tools I will need to take with me. Eyeliner, red lippie, rollers, hairspray, bobby pins and so on. A list is also made for these things as I am, at heart, a hardcore list writer.
Also, don't forget, your lingerie. If it is not one of your clothing categories don't forget to figure out which stockings, corsolettes, garter belts etc you will need to pack.

In another bag or makeup case I pack a razor, tweezers, deodorant, moisturiser, eyeliner, makeup wipes, tissues, bandaids, sticky tape, scissors, nail file, spare stockings, nail polish (to fix up any boo boos), extra bobby pins, panadols, water bottle, needle and thread, hairspray, comb and SAFETY PINS!! You may think you won't need safety pins.... You're probably wrong!
 You may not use a lot of this stuff but believe me, if you need it and DON'T have it, you'll be kicking yourself!

Before I leave I make sure I have a trim and freshly dyed hair. I will double and triple check my list to make sure I have packed everything I need and then for good measure I will throw in a couple extra accessories like earrings and necklaces in case I have a last minute change of heart. I have been known to do that... occasionally haha!

So you will need to have your outfit, accessories, makeup, hair tools and props packed. Your music and outfit information along with any other requirements you have emailed off. Make sure hair, nails, eyebrows and anything else you need done is sorted.

The night before, I set my hair, paint my nails, practice my routines once more and iron my dresses. With everything organised, I can make sure I get a good nights sleep.

On the day, start getting ready with plenty of time, don't forget to eat and drink and last but certainly not least, HAVE FUN!!

It's important not to forget to enjoy the pageant! Meet new people and make friends. That's honestly the best part of entering a pinup pageant.
It doesn't matter who gets the tiara at the end of the night because you have all had fun being nervous together and helping each other do up zippers, finding that earring that rolled away and pointing out lifting eyelashes, smudged eyeliner or... the very worst... lipstick on teeth!!

Pageants are about stepping out of your comfort zone and gaining confidence in yourself. The girls (and sometimes guys) you share the stage with are there for the same reason you are. 99% of the other entrants will be very happy for whoever wins as the outcome is not as important as the journey you have all taken together.

As you can see, there is a lot of prep work but it is all fun!! Totally worth it. Highly recommended!

Don't be scared by the amount of effort, you usually have quite a decent amount of time to do all of this. It doesn't all need to happen in a week!

Well I hope I've covered everything. This is what I happen to do, everyone is different and will have different processes but this is what works for me.

If you have managed to make it to the end of this post, I thank you for hanging around!!

If anyone has anything to add or any questions to ask, please feel free to comment! I want to know if you are considering entering a pageant!

Much love and red lipstick, Miss Toxic xx

Sunday 20 September 2015

Blog Day!!

Blog day!!

I really should get organised and assign one day a week to being a blog day and one day a week to being a video day. Should. One day.
I think I will take a minute to sit down and figure out what video I am doing next and organise it properly. I may also film an extra video or two so that I can upload more consistantly when I am too busy too film. For now, here's a short favourites video for you to enjoy!

Next week will involve sewing, gluing, painting and packing! Miss Picture Perfect is ONE week away and I have so much to do! Accessories to make and props to paint. I've already made alterations, repairs and a skirt from scratch!

I will have to rememeber at some stage this coming week to pick up some more foundation, eyeliner and lipliner - pinup girl necessities. Unfortunately, being necessities means re-purchasing often.

I went for a bit of a look through our city's newest op shop and also an antique store that I always think "oh I must go in there one day" and never do. I spent a decent chunk of my birthday money so I decided another haul was called for. It will be uploaded during the week..

One of the items I purchased was a Family Circle magazine from 1956. I just read through it quickly before and I am hooked! I think I will be requiring more 50's magazines now! Some articles leave you with your jaw on the floor and thinking "How did they ever....?" the advertisements are hilarious and then there's the clothing.... GOR.GEOUS.

Anyway, I must be off, I have the glue gun heating up ready for action!!

A short catch up today, just so you don't think I've abandoned you all!

Much love and red lipstick, Miss Toxic xx

Monday 7 September 2015

Random blog-y goodness and new video!!

My goodness September is going to be a busy month!

Firstly birthday's. So. Many. Birthday's. Planning, making, travelling, Miss Picture Perfect and organising big surprises.

I realised today that it's been a whole year since I started considering the pinup lifestyle. Look how far I've come in that year! I have to admit, I have been happier and more confident within myself in this past year than I have ever been before.
Also I don't think I've ever bought more clothes, shoes and accessories in a 12 month period than ever before haha!

Edit: I was going to share a picture of me from a year ago and you know what? There isn't one! My oh my how times have changed haha!!

Also, NEW VIDEO!!! Watch it here:

Please subscribe and like and share!! I'd really appreciate it!

If you follow me on Facebook you may have seen my post about the Body Positive movement and 'fat shamers'.
It saddens me that in this day and age there are so many people still willing to be such jackasses to people they don't know, just because it's easy to do so.
It takes just as much effort to type nice words as it does to type hate. If you don't want to say something nice, move along.
I'm just saying, if you take the time to type crap, people will take notice of the fact that you took the time to stop by and look at the picture or watch the video. Maybe you'd rather people not know you make a habit of checking out the pages and profiles of 'fat' people? If so, writing abuse on there is not going to help you hide that fact is it?

BE NICE PEOPLE!!!! Seriously! Or... like I said... just move along! You don't have to say anything at all. You do realise you have just as much right to say nothing as you do to spurt hate yeah? Exercise that right! Do it! Go on! I dare you!

Lastly, So that I can end on a happy, happy, joy, joy note, I hope all the Daddy's, Poppy's and Grandpa's out there had a magnificent Father's Day yesterday!! My kidlets made their Daddy an adorable tee with their handprints on it. He wore it all day with a smile on his face!

Saturday 22 August 2015

I'm in the Miss Picture Perfect Final!

I am a finalist in Miss Picture Perfect next month! I think it's safe to tell you now.

This means I have been creating again!! I've made some super pretty hair flowers to go with my outfits and I'm really happy with the way they turned out!

I have another couple of projects to go for this pageant, but I can't let you see too much before the night! You'll have to come along to the Miss Picture Perfect pinup pageant at Ryan's Hotel in Thirroul on September Saturday 26 to see the full outfits.
I'm excited to be a part of MPP as I already know a few of the other lovely entrants as they were also in Miss Pinup Australia this year!

I'm almost all set, only a couple of things to finish making and waiting on the mail man to bring me something I'm VERY excited about and then I just have to try everything on and pack it once I'm happy with it!

Also coming up in my own home town soon is the Bonnie and Clyde Rods Rats and Rides event. There is no pinup comp but I'm super excited that I finally have an event to go to that doesn't involve a lot of travel and several days stay in a hotel!

Turns out the photo shoot I had booked for this month was a no go but I won't let that stop me! My main goal for the rest of this year is to finally be published. Which is what I wanted from this shoot but alas, life doesn't always work out the way you want it too!

How did ya'll like my first You Tube video? I will hopefully get to make another one in the next couple of days. I know the first one is fairly poor quality but that's because it was too big (or something, I don't get any of it haha!) but I will try remedy that as I go.

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel so you won't miss any of the craziness that is me!

I hope you know I really appreciate anyone who actually takes the time to read this blog and follow me on Facebook, Instagram etc. It's a whole new world for me and you're all along for the ride!

On that note,

Much love and red lipstick, Miss Toxic xx

Friday 21 August 2015

Who's on You Tube? Me! I'm on You Tube!

I have started my very own YouTube channel!! I would like to invite you all to visit my channel and subscribe!!

Feel free to share my videos and comment your thoughts, ideas and requests. Follow this link to my YouTube channel to see what's new in the world of Miss Toxic Starburst as well as continuing to follow this blog of course!

I hope to post videos that are for the people out there that like to watch hauls, unboxings, follow me arounds, FAQ and lighthearted, easy watching videos. I won't be doing tutorials as I am not a professional at anything haha!

Don't worry, the videos will be improving as I go. I'm learning so each one should get better and better. For now, go and enjoy watching me be nervous and clueless and don't laugh too hard!

On the topic of You Tube, I would like to share with you the main pinup / rockabilly gals I subscribe to and watch religiously.

Cherry Dollface
Kandy K
A Vintage Vanity
PinupDollAshleyMarie and

Now, I do watch many others but the videos these dolls make are ones I am watching more than once and going back to for references on hair mostly but also makeup, clothing etc. I have actually followed tutorials from each of these channels and they are helping to mould me into the pinup I want to be.

Finally, before I leave you today, I wanted to leave you with a clip from our beautiful Miss Pixie's appearance on Australia's Today show this morning! So excited to see her do her thing on TV!!

Enjoy my lovelies!!

Much love and red lipstick, Miss Toxic xx

Thursday 13 August 2015

Greazefest 2015

What a fun weekend!!

I was lucky enough to go to Greazefest, Melbourne this past weekend.

I met some awesome people, bought all the things,

...drooled over some ahhhhmazing cars

Could probably work on my posing with cars!

and listened to some very cool music. There was Pinups on Parade where the beauties strut their stuff on stage

...and I even convinced my little sister to have her hair styled by the always gorgeous Pinup Ruby Rabbit and have a mini photo shoot by Retrobilia!! I can't wait to see the pictures!

Bask in the glory of those victory rolls!!

Meeting Cherry Dollface and getting a tattoo by Mimsy, the two main things I wanted out of the weekend, unfortunately didn't happen but I still had an absolute blast and there's always next year!!

I did still get a new tattoo though from the rad dudes at East Brunswick tattoo!

My pretty flamingo!

I finally got to meet Miss Rouge Kitty, Miss Diamond Divine and Miss Von Luxx

Miss Diamond Divine

Miss Rouge Kitty

We had burgers and cupcakes from Kustom Burgers, a super awesome burger joint with a really cute rockabilly vibe

This? Oh, it's just a cupcake that looks like a burger!!

The F150 burger!

The whole weekend was amazing from start to finish and I already can't wait for next year's Greazefest.

I have a couple of things in the works at the moment that I can hopefully tell you all about soon but for now, my lips are sealed!

So now I have bombarded you with all the fun, it's time to go!

Until next time,

much love and red lipstick, Miss Toxic xx

Thursday 30 July 2015

A Quick Hello!

Just wanted to pop in and say Hello, I haven't left you!

Well........ That's a wrap!!

That's right!! Miss Pinup Australia national finals are all over, the tiaras and sashes have all been handed out and we have new title holders!!

Do you want to know who they are?

Of course you do!!!

Your Miss Pinup Australia 2015 is.... MISS SNOWY WINTERS!!!

Miss Pinup Australia RU- Miss Rouge Pearl
Mr Pinup Australia- Phoenix Divine
Miss Pinup Australia 2nd RU- Miss Holly Wouldn't
Miss Perfect Pinup Australia- Miss Vee Dub
Miss VaVa Voom Pinup Aust- Miss Lorelei Jean
Miss Classic Pinup Australia- Miss Melly Day
Miss Prestige Pinup Australia- Miss Stormy De Wilde
Miss Neo Pinup Australia- Madam Dreadful
Miss Illustrated Pinup Aust- Miss Sharne DeVille
Miss Popular Pinup Australia- Miss Roxie Snow
Miss Appi Licious Pinup Aust- Miss Cleopatra Portman
Miss Amity Pinup Australia- Miss Vonnie Violet

I expect the photos will be nothing short of SPECTACULAR when we get to see them and I can't wait!
I heard everyone had a really amazing time and they all did a brilliant job at showcasing their shiny, new selves.

I've had a slight change in hair colour! I decided to put pink all over, so that my blue would hopefully turn a pretty purple. It worked perfectly thank goodness! I love it.

I decided to enter a pageant so I had my own personal photographer, my husband, take entry photos...

A cheeky shot ;) 
He did well didn't he?!

I'm going to be one busy little bee in August. Photo shoots, a launch party, Greazefest (I get to stay with my sister woohoo!!) and best of all a pinup get together with 2 of my MPA sisters!! I have a strange feeling that I will be cramming a lot more into the month of August than just the things I have listed, entering more competitions and hopefully magazine submissions. But it's all good!

I'll send you all off with one more from my clever husband.

Busy, busy, busy!

Much love and red lipstick, Miss T xx

Wednesday 22 July 2015

I'm on Instagram!

I have some news for you! I am on Instagram! Woo finally! Follow me!! toxic_starburst

I have some new projects planned to keep me busy for a week or 2. I am going to be making some home decorations based on the atomic style that was so popular in the 50's . I will also be making a new circle skirt and completing an outfit (that was originally for MPA but got shelved when I changed my theme) that I may be using for a pageant and a photo shoot!

I have 1 of at least 6 photo shoots I want to do booked in for the end of August and it's killing me that it's so far away!! I was hoping to have 3 done by then! I intend on using the shots from these mainly for competition entries and magazine submissions. I submitted photos closer to the beginning of the year to a mag that said they would publish but I haven't heard anything else from them for months. But I'm not going to let that deter me!

Last weekend I ventured to the Wagga Wagga Swap Meet and found everything I wanted!! I go every year and never buy anything, so this year was a WIN! The items I collected will also be added to my project list as I went wanting specific items as I have very specific plans for each (you can see what I bought on Instagram *wink wink*) I will post photos of my projects as I finish them, mostly to keep myself accountable hehe.

Don't forget, the Miss Pinup Australia Grand Finale is close!! July 25 at Circus Oz!

Isn't this poster just gorgeous?!

Before I leave you I just wanted to let you know that I am selling on an Esther Williams swimsuit, size 26W, brand new with tags as it was originally purchased for my Miss Pinup Australia routine before the theme was changed ($70 plus postage).
Also for sale is my Cotton Candy Lindy Bop Ophelia, size UK26 (Aus 24), worn once only for my MPA entry photo shoot ($70 plus postage).
If you are interested in purchasing either of these please leave your email address or shoot me a Facebook inbox.

Lastly, I want to wish all the awesome pinups (gals AND guy!) that are making their way to Melbourne this weekend for the Grand Finale the best of luck!! I hope they all find their calm place, that they rock their posing, that their hair does what it's supposed to and most of all that they HAVE A BLAST!

Much love and red lipstick, Miss Toxic xx

Saturday 11 July 2015

New Bettie Bangs!

Hi there!

Well... I was thinking that I would be struggling with post MPA boredom but instead I have had back to back colds which means I haven't had much of a chance to do anything at all, let alone be bored.
I am working on getting back to normal again though as I rarely get sick and when I do, it throws me all out of routine.

So I have been considering what I can do and right now, I *think* I may be entering a pageant in September. This will mean making more outfits and more travelling so it's only under consideration at the moment.

I have also enjoyed going over the photos from the state finals again and again. Would you like to see more?


Too bad if you said no, because I'm putting them here anyway!!

I could not be more proud of the dress I made for daywear

I would like to introduce you all to the amazing bunch of pinups I had the very great pleasure of performing with! From left to right - Miss Trixie Bombshell, Miss Vee Dub (Miss Pinup NSW 2nd runner up), Miss Melody Mae, Miss Dodo Divine, Miss Misty Morning, Miss Melly Day (Miss Pinup ACT),  Miss Roxie Snow (Miss Pinup NSW runner up),  Miss Rouge Pearl (Miss Pinup NSW), Miss Annie Lou, Miss Cherrybomb Fifty -Six, Miss Wurple Violet (Miss Pinup NSW 2nd runner up), Miss Toxic Starburst, Miss Jade Serpentine, Miss Cherry Soda and last, but most certainly not least!! Mr. Phoenix Divine (Mr. Pinup NSW)

This is one of the coolest groups of people I've ever hung out with. It may have been brief, but my goodness did we have fun!! Look how beautiful (and handsome!) they all are!

Before I leave for tonight I thought I would leave you with my new bettie bangs. I've been thinking about them for so long I got sick of thinking one night and just went into the bathroom and chopped it off! Not something I recommend to do, by the way! DO NOT DO THIS AT HOME! Haha!

Well I think I look pretty cute anyway, especially in my MPA tee!

Until next next time my darlings

Much love and red lipstick, Miss Toxic xx

Saturday 4 July 2015

What Next?

Since completing this years Miss Pinup Australia journey I have been contemplating what to do next. I have in mind several pageants I would like to enter but none of those require the time and effort commitment that MPA did. Well, Miss Pinup Australia isn't a pageant, after all.
I'm thinking of something along the lines of starting an Instagram account or maybe even filming some Youtube videos. But what on earth would I make videos about??!! What do you guys think?
They are just ideas anyway. I'm sure I will decide on something soon.
I will continue making some pillbox hats and fascinators because, honestly, I don't think enough ladies wear hats anymore.
I am also preparing myself for a new photo shoot that isn't even booked yet! I like to be prepared haha!

I have my fingers crossed for my MPA tee and jacket to show up next week. I may not be competing anymore but I am super proud to let people know I did something scary (that turned out to actually be super fun!)

Today I also want to share with you all a few of the pictures I have purchased from the finals so that you could see my outfits.

The gorgeous photos were taken by Joelene Wilson Photography. Go check out the rest of the photos from the night on her website! (They are all available for purchase too!)



Lingerie / Night wear
Say what you will about how I look, but I am proud of myself and that's all that matters.

Let me know what ya'll think I should do next!

Much love and red lipstick, Miss Toxic xx

Thursday 2 July 2015

I Did It!!


I finally did it!! I finally had my moment in the spotlight! The Miss Pinup Australia NSW state finals!
I have worked for months and months on ideas, props, outfits (as I made most of them myself) and organising. Countless hours spent at the sewing machine, painting, cutting, scrapping and restarting all came down to the three 45 second outfit routines and one, 1 minute talent section.

My first routine - Daywear - Well, lets just chalk that one up to being a practice round haha! It was such a blur I barely remember any of it. I walked off stage thinking I had done absolutely NO poses, but the official photographs by Joelene Wilson Photography prove otherwise. I wore a handmade full circle skirt dress in a super shiny, rainbow material. I wore a yellow cardi and belt with it. Also a handmade pillbox hat in the same material and my personalised yellow heels by the gorgeous Shewbizbysara. I was extremely colourful and bright and I was super proud of my sewing skills as I had many compliments on my outfit.

Second routine - Swimwear - This time I managed to focus a bit better and could actually THINK about what I was doing up there. I cannot believe I went up on stage in front of a room full of strangers in my swimmers! I wore a wrap skirt but still had my arms uncovered, something that never happens. I had a small breakdown after coming off stage and it had finally sunk in what I had just done. I wore a pinky/purple swimsuit with a pinky/purple wrap skirt that I handmade. My swimsuit had little silver alien shoulder pads and I wore shoes that I spray painted silver to match my outfit. I also wore silver wrist cuffs that I made myself to complete the outfit.

We then had an intermission which was quite welcome. We were able to wander around and mingle with the people who were lovely enough to come see us and cheer us on. It as also a chance to slip off the heels for a moment which, secretly, was the best part of the break.

Third routine - Lingerie / night wear - By this routine I was thinking clearly and knew exactly what I had to do. I wore a purple floor length nightie with a flowing sparkly black dressing gown, both of which I made myself. I covered a pair of black kitten heels with feathers to complete the boudoir look. Of course, I was the housewife of the future, a robot, so I had my little robot antennae on too!

Last but not least was the talent section - My talent was sock puppets! I'm not even kidding! I made a little Marilyn Monroe sock puppet and she sang Happy Birthday to a little Mr. President sock puppet. Half way through my performance, my little girl decided she HAD to say hello to Mummy from down in front of the stage. By the end, the audience was more interested in my little one's yells of "Hey Mummy!!" then what I was doing.

Finally, after another intermission while the judges made their decisions, was the moment everyone was waiting for - the crowning of title holders!!

In an unexpected twist, Miss Pinup NSW Second Runner Up was tied!
Miss Vee Dub and Miss Wurple Violet both walked away with the title.

Miss Roxie Snow was crowned Miss Pinup NSW Runner Up

Miss Rouge Pearl was crowned Miss Pinup NSW

We also had four beauties vying for the title of Miss Pinup ACT and the winner of the title was Miss Melly Day

The night was a huge success and just a barrel of laughs! It is something I will never forget and I am actually already considering themes for next year, if I choose to enter again!

Here is the list of gorgeousness going through to the Grand Finale which will be on July 25 at Circus Oz, Melbourne:
Miss Pinup VIC - Miss Snowy Winters
Miss Pinup VIC RU - Miss Holly Wouldn't
Miss Pinup VIC 2nd RU - Madam Dreadful
Miss Pinup SA - Miss Ivy Fox
Miss Pinup WA - Miss Whiskey Rocket
Miss Pinup QLD - Miss Lucy Luxe
Miss Pinup QLD RU - Miss Vonnie Violet
Mr. Pinup NSW - Mr. Phoenix Divine
Wildcards -
Miss Cleopatra Portman
Miss Cherrybomb Fifty-Six
Miss Frankie Bluebelle
Miss Lorelei Jean
Miss Beckey Boop
Miss Vonruby
Miss Stormy de Wilde
Miss Cherry Blossem
Miss Jade Serpentine
Miss Sharne DeVille

Congratulations to all you beautiful people and best wishes!! I cannot wait to see photos and hear stories from the Finale!! 

Please go and check out the photos from the night, they are amazing!!

Much love and red lipstick, Miss Toxic xx

Saturday 20 June 2015

One Week To Go!!

Hi there!!

Well, it's a week out from the NSW state finals now!! This weekend will mainly consist of dress rehearsals so I can get the hang of standing on one foot in heels and not falling flat on my face haha!
I've rearranged my routines yet again so will also need to re-remember which poses go where.

On Wednesday I went prop making CRAZY and am almost completely done! There are 2 things left I need to source and 1 prop to finish off and then I can concentrate solely on rehearsing.

Tonight is also QLD's state finals which I cannot wait to see photos of!

On Thursday I stocked up on some pinup essentials. Hairspray, eyeliner, eyelashes, gel inserts for my heels and some curl memory spray. My most favourite eyeliner ever is Maybelline Master Precise Liquid Liner. The only downside is that I find it doesn't last very long. But I really don't mind buying new ones when it works SO well and is dead easy to use!
I'm trying new lashes for the state finals so I have my fingers crossed they look good!

I've tried on my daywear and nightwear outfits with all the lingerie and my heels and I have to say, I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out. I'm very nervous about trying on my beachwear because I don't want it to be wrong. Silly I know because it's much better to know if it's wrong BEFORE the night!! I'll try it on soon I swear haha!

Finally I just want to say best of luck to the QLD gals for tonight! I am so excited for you all and hope you all are proud of what you do xx

Much love and red lipstick, Miss Toxic xx

Monday 15 June 2015

VIC/SA/WA State Finals!!


**Firstly I just want to leave this here with you (because I'll probably forget otherwise!) . Hopefully this will send you to the article about me in my local paper. I have received nothing but positive feedback and the pictures turned out beautifully.**

Saturday night was the VIC/SA/WA state finals!

I'm guessing you're wanting to know the results yes? I know I was on the night. Checking every 5 minutes like a mad woman for pictures.

Well here they are.....

FIRST RUNNER UP - Miss Holly Wouldn't

SECOND RUNNER UP - Madam Dreadful


I believe Miss Pinup Australia SA will be announced later? But don't hold me to it!

This means there's less than 2 weeks now until I step on stage aaaargh!

This week there will be sewing, painting, and practicing. I will need to do a full dress rehearsal very soon to make sure I have everything, I can move in what I am wearing and to make sure my shoes don't fly off while wearing stockings ha! (Secretly, that is my biggest fear for this competition)
Also just to add to my procrastination I have started to make some more pillbox hats and fascinators.

Super looking forward to this Saturday night as it is Queensland's turn to sparkle!

This past week was a bit of a non event due to the whole family being sick so this week I need to get on top of everything. I'd like everything to be completed and ready to go this week so that next week I can simply focus on practicing my routines. Yeah, we'll see haha!

So I suppose I had better get off my butt and start practicing!!

See you all soon,

Much love and red lipstick, Miss Toxic xx

Thursday 11 June 2015

Want to Try Pinup Hair?

Want to try your hand at gorgeous, classic, elegant pinup hair? Miss Pixie of Boogie Bop Dames and Miss Penelope Pineapples has all the information you need to know about creating the beautiful 40's inspired VICTORY ROLLS!!
Watch this awesome video and you'll be sporting pinup - worthy hair in no time!

Pinup hair is something I still struggle with. I've never been very good at doing my hair anyway but I am learning new techniques that are letting me walk out of the house with more than a ponytail or bun.
So far I have found that sponge rollers work best for me although I am still fighting frizz. I have found that curling wands do nothing to my hair.

But one day soon I will have a head of hair that my Grandmothers would have been proud of!!

***Just as a side note: I did a phone interview with my local paper today!! Hopefully I will have a link for you to follow tomorrow!***

Anyway, that's me for the day! Just a short catch up til next time ;)

Much love and red lipstick, Miss Toxic xx

Tuesday 9 June 2015

The Countdown Begins!!

Hello! I'm back again!

Today starts my Facebook bombardment of Miss Pinup Australia posts! Ok, to be fair, I have already kind of filled my news feed with pinup-y goodness but now I REALLY start!

The first of the state finals is THIS WEEKEND!!! Luckily, not mine! I still have a LOT of work to do!!
Blowering Dam. No phone service, no worries!!

So this last weekend I went away with my family to have a nice quiet break. It was an excellent idea to step away from preparations for a weekend. It gave my brain a rest from the constant ideas and planning. I was starting to feel a little overwhelmed with it all. The nerves have well and truly set in!

This weeks prep will involve more sponge roller practice, posing practice, fine-tuning routine ideas and continuing on with prop making. So much already done but so much more still to do!

I also need to work out my hairstyles, practice walking gracefully in my heels and try on my outfits to make any necessary adjustments and make sure everything works well together. PHEW!!

But mostly, I need to remember to SMILE through it all and ENJOY the journey!! For someone like me who needs to boost her self confidence, it's a tough process but so far I have had fun - and it's only the beginning :)


Here is an amazing pic of the NSW Miss Pinup Australia meet and greet, hosted by Miss Pixie and the guys and gals of the Skyline Drive In Blacktown.
(Notice a guest appearance from my little pinup in the front?)

As Miss Pixie says "Chin up, pinup" 

Thank you for stopping by!

Much love and red lipstick, Miss Toxic xx

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Hello, I am Miss Toxic Starburst

Hi, Hello, Welcome!!

I would like to introduce you all to Miss Toxic Starburst!

She is my pinup alter ego. She started evolving about half way through last year. Although I have always loved the clothes, hair and makeup from the era, it had never occurred to me that I could actually wear the dresses and wear red lipstick and do my hair in victory rolls and curls (although my hair is definitely a work in progress!!)

I started googling pinup dresses and during my search I came across a website that cemented my decision to change my life. That website was
I spent about 3 months reading about Miss Pinup Australia, watching Youtube videos about it and looking at their Facebook page. Entries opened and I discovered I needed to do a photoshoot. Me! In a photoshoot! A pinup one at that!
Where I live is not exactly flush with pinup photographers. I was working with a very, VERY small budget so unfortunately I couldn't afford to travel to be photographed by the gorgeous Miss Pixie of official NSW state photographer, Boogie Bop Dames.
I did however find a local photographer who happened to mention pinup photos in a Facebook post and I pounced! A couple of messages sent to Duane Wheare Photography and I had a shoot organised and ideas came flooding in.
Once the photos were shot, I filled in my application and sent it in!
An email from Miss Pinup Australia confirmed my entry. Next up I was officially announced and BAM! It was all systems GO!

This entire year so far has seen me preparing for Miss Toxic's debut as it were...... and this debut...... June 27!!! The NSW state finals will be held at Paddo RSL in Sydney and I am a bucket of nerves!!

Now as this is my very first post ever I won't make it too long but there will be more where this came from and I'd like you to come back for more!

Oh and before I leave you today, I would love if you could check out my Facebook page Miss Toxic Starburst and give me a 'like'! Also, voting is open for Miss Popular Pinup so if you follow the link pinned to the top of my Facebook page, you can vote for me if you wish!!

I thank you very much for stopping by and checking out my blog and I promise it will get better the more I post haha!

Much love and red lipstick Miss Toxic xx